GJ-Bu Mid-way Impression: Let Them Eat Cake.

[EveTaku] GJ-bu - 05 (1280x720 x264-Hi10P AAC)[400FA713].mkv_snapshot_14.29_[2013.02.08_14.15.37]

It’s often jested that in shows like K-On! all they do is sit around and drink tea and eat cake. GJ-Bu makes K-On! look like seem like a rocker’s documentary. The name of the club is Good Job. If that didn’t imply they have no real purpose, I don’t know what would. Okay, I lied. The cake is a pretty big giveaway.

There are no real twists, turns or surprises; you’re here for these dogs to be chilling and that’s all you’re going to get. If you’re into these ultra relaxed kind of shows, GJ-Bu is an unexceptional but enjoyable watch. It won’t win any awards for originality but it does take tried and tested principles to make for a very safe sort of show. There’s no ambition and arguably, no good jobs achieved either. Don’t expect anymore from GJ than what appears in the first episode, it hasn’t gone anywhere and it isn’t going to. Is this inherently a bad thing though? It’s a bad trend but from a standalone perspective, it’s a decent show. Merely decent however, it’s a fine filling in one’s weekly viewings but there’s no reason for this to be remembered, to be revered.

The characters are inevitably the heart and soul of the show, so lets give a run down. The sole male, Kyolo, is the timid retorter, frequently subject to pranks from the swarms of women surrounding him, yet equally as much the target of affection. There’s not much to say for his personality although that man his one particularly fascinating talent. He can brush hair like a boss. No seriously, this is his only skill but damn does he take a few maiden’s hearts with it. It’s the sort of equivalent to the toothbrush in Nisemonogatari albeit without the Shaft power to truly glorify it.

[EveTaku] GJ-bu - 05 (1280x720 x264-Hi10P AAC)[400FA713].mkv_snapshot_18.18_[2013.02.08_14.19.40]

The club president, Mao, takes to the aggressive chibi archetype. Frequently bored, she finds relief through whatever degree of torture she wants to inflict on Kyolo, mentally or physically. She’s occasionally pretty cunning which serves to aid her pranks and she isn’t overly shy either, willing to plonk her ass straight on Kyolo’s lap to save room at the Kotatsu. She’s not completely heads over heels for him and keeps her affection under check which I actually like; it makes her more than an extension of Kyolo, even if he’s the only thing that can really stimulate her. Her character isn’t too clearly defined however, not helped by how often she’s noted to act out of character; she has a habit of falling back to tsundere tendencies when on the defensive. At very least, her diverse personality helps her avoid falling into any particular stereotype, taking a little of many.

[EveTaku] GJ-bu - 03 (1280x720 x264-Hi10P AAC)[E1C2CDA1].mkv_snapshot_04.38_[2013.02.27_05.03.03]

Mao’s slightly younger sister, Megumi, is perfect waifu material. She makes the tea, serves the cake and even takes care of the giant spiders. She knits too and does all the cleaning, it’s almost as if they want to invoke the ire of feminists, not that I mind. She’s laid back and perhaps rather comparable to Mugi from K-On! in terms of both role and personality — she doesn’t have a dominating personality compared to the rest of the crew yet doesn’t get as overshadowed as much as Mugi, they’re both rather concerned about their weight too. She does differ a reasonable amount however, with Megumi being portrayed as the innocent lamb of the group and more often has the attention focused on her much like it would be for Kyolo. I like the way Kyolo can never turn down a cup of tea either, no matter how much agony his bladder is in, it makes Megumi almost like Mrs. Doyle.

Shion is a supposed genius from a family of geniuses, who just casually takes on world chess masters then gives them advice on how to play better after destroying them. Typically naïve, not understanding how these peasant technologies work such as cup ramen, she’s not a rare sort. She’s clearly the most infatuated with Kyolo, with less than concealed jealousy at points but she’s always willing to help Mao take the joke just a little further, Kyolo being on the receiving end.

[EveTaku] GJ-bu - 05 (1280x720 x264-Hi10P AAC)[400FA713].mkv_snapshot_09.47_[2013.02.08_14.10.54]

Kirara is just sort of there. She’s beast-like and typically be seen nomming her way through a huge plate of drumsticks. She’s barely capable of stringing together a sentence. There really isn’t much to say. She occasionally does something worthy of attention, but otherwise just shoves her face.

The art style isn’t bad actually, it’s a little different and it works but like just about every aspect to the show, it isn’t hugely remarkable. The sound is similar too, unless you’re the sort that pays close attention, you’ll barely notice it’s there; it’s used as you would expect it to, add a little more spice to each scene.

Now, whilst GJ-Bu is a low-key show, it has its moments. I like how they recruit members by kidnapping then bribing with food; this is precisely the sort of methods I should be experimenting with my societies at university. I like the random fits of depression Kyolo falls into when the joke has been taken too far and how unappreciated he feels, yet seems to have fallen for the rich sister’s maid, even asking her to do a twirl. Each episode has its little highlights yet I don’t ever feel it’s all that dull. It has small elements of romance, without out ever really diving into it, which I’m a little too often a sucka for. It epitomizes easy watching sort of shows. GJ-Bu is an alright slice-of-life but anyone not so keen on the genre should avoid it at all costs. It brings nothing new to the table, but never does anything to be repulsive and always manages to at least be vaguely entertaining if not more so.

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